Merry Meet! I'm just your basic Goddess-worshipping kitchen witch. Among other things I believe in, one is tolerance for another's beliefs, even if different from one's own. Witchcraft is simply the Craft of the Witch, a way of life, known in ancient times as folk magick. Wicca is a modern religion based on witchcraft, sharing many concepts, but they are not the same thing. Regardless of what you may have heard, witches do not worship Satan or any other biblical character created by the Christian Church. Only a Christian can believe in the Devil. We are not anti-Christian nor anti-religion. Witchcraft is not dangerous or evil. We do not sacrifice innocent creatures. Life is sacred, something to be cherished. We respect the Earth and the power of the Universe. Magick is the primary tool for manipulating the energies of the universe. Spells are also tools to assist in the manipulation of these same energies; through the use of ritual work, the necessary higher state of mind needed to work magick is achieved. The power is within you.
Are you a fundamentalist Christian wanting to witness to every pagan you meet?
Read one pagan's response here.
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New Book of The Law One coven's ardanes, or laws.
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